How Old Should a Newborn Be for a Photoshoot? – moments creator

How Old Should a Newborn Be for a Photoshoot? – moments creator

Newborn photography is a precious way to capture the earliest moments of a baby’s life. Parents often look forward to this experience, eager to preserve the delicate, fleeting moments of their newborn’s first days. However, many parents wonder, “How old should a newborn be for a photoshoot?” This question is crucial because the age of the baby can significantly influence the outcome of the session, affecting everything from the poses to the baby’s comfort. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ideal age for newborn photoshoots, what to expect at different stages, and how to prepare for a successful session.

Ideal Age for Newborn Photoshoots: 5 to 14 Days Old

Most professional newborn photographers recommend scheduling a photoshoot when the baby is between 5 to 14 days old. This timeframe is considered ideal for several reasons:

  1. Sleepiness: Newborns at this age tend to sleep deeply and frequently. This deep sleep allows photographers to pose them in those adorable, curled-up positions that mimic their time in the womb. The baby’s sleepiness makes it easier to adjust them into different poses without causing too much disturbance.
  2. Flexibility: Babies under two weeks old are incredibly flexible. Their bones are still soft, and they naturally curl into fetal-like positions. This flexibility is what enables photographers to create those iconic newborn poses that parents love.
  3. Minimal Colic and Baby Acne: Around the two-week mark, some babies start to develop colic or baby acne. While these are normal and temporary, they can make a photoshoot more challenging. Photographers often find it easier to capture clear, smooth skin and a calm baby before these issues arise.
  4. Newborn Appearance: During the first two weeks, babies still have that “newborn” look, with tiny fingers and toes, soft skin, and delicate features. As they grow, their appearance changes quickly, and capturing that newborn essence becomes more difficult.

Photoshoot Stages: A Week-by-Week Guide

While 5 to 14 days is the recommended window, some parents may need to schedule a photoshoot outside of this timeframe due to various circumstances. Here’s what to expect at different stages of a newborn’s early life:

1 to 4 Days Old

This period is generally not ideal for a photoshoot. The baby and mother are still recovering from the birth experience, and the baby may still be adjusting to life outside the womb. Additionally, some newborns might still be shedding vernix (the white, waxy substance covering their skin) or might have jaundice, which can affect the photos. While it’s possible to take photos during this time, it’s usually better to wait until the baby is a bit older and more settled.

5 to 10 Days Old

This is the golden period for newborn photography. The baby is still very sleepy and flexible, and they haven’t yet developed common newborn issues like colic or baby acne. This is the ideal time for those classic newborn poses. Parents should aim to schedule their session during this period for the best results.

11 to 14 Days Old

Babies are still relatively sleepy and flexible during this time, though they may start to have slightly longer wakeful periods. Photographers can still achieve a wide range of poses, though the baby may need a bit more soothing to stay asleep. However, this is still an excellent time for a newborn photoshoot, with beautiful results.

2 to 3 Weeks Old

At this stage, babies start to be more awake and alert. They may not be as easy to pose in those curled-up positions, and they might require more time and patience to soothe them into a deep sleep. While it’s still possible to have a successful photoshoot, photographers might need to adjust their approach, focusing more on awake shots or more relaxed, natural poses.

4 to 6 Weeks Old

By this age, babies are more awake and aware of their surroundings. They’ve lost some of that “newborn” look and are beginning to develop more individual features. Photoshoots at this age can still be beautiful, but the style will be different. Photographers might focus more on capturing the baby’s personality and interactions with parents rather than the classic newborn poses.

Special Considerations and Exceptions

While the 5 to 14-day window is ideal, there are always exceptions. Some babies, especially those born prematurely or with health complications, may not be ready for a photoshoot during this timeframe. In these cases, it’s essential to consult with a pediatrician and work closely with a photographer experienced in working with newborns who may need special care.

Additionally, if the parents are unable to schedule a session within the first two weeks due to various circumstances, they can still achieve beautiful photos. Many photographers offer “older newborn” sessions, where they adjust the style to suit the baby’s stage of development.

Preparing for the Photoshoot

To ensure a successful newborn photoshoot, preparation is key. Here are some tips to help parents get ready:

  1. Book Early: Newborn photographers often book up months in advance, so it’s a good idea to schedule the session while you’re still pregnant. This ensures you’ll get a spot during that critical 5 to 14-day window.
  2. Keep Baby Comfortable: On the day of the shoot, make sure the baby is well-fed and has a clean diaper. A full tummy will help the baby sleep more soundly during the session.
  3. Create a Warm Environment: Newborns are used to the warmth of the womb, so keeping the room where the photoshoot takes place warm will help them feel more comfortable. Many photographers bring a space heater or ask parents to preheat the room.
  4. Bring Essentials: Have extra diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes on hand. It’s also helpful to bring a favorite blanket or toy that the baby is familiar with.
  5. Stay Calm and Patient: Babies can pick up on their parents’ emotions, so staying calm and relaxed will help the baby feel the same. Trust your photographer to guide the session and take breaks as needed.
  6. Discuss Your Vision: Before the session, talk with your photographer about any specific poses, props, or themes you’d like to include. This ensures everyone is on the same page and helps the photographer plan the session accordingly.


A newborn photoshoot is a special way to capture the earliest days of your baby’s life, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. The ideal time for this session is typically between 5 to 14 days old, but beautiful photos can still be achieved outside this window with the right preparation and a skilled photographer.


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